
Keep up to date with the latest news and stories within the world of animals, or submit your own story to share with other pet keepers.

Tell us your story

Have you been reunited with your pet? Why not share your story with us to help other keepers and raise the awareness of how keeping your details up-to-date is important.


Finn reunited after 12 years

Finn disappeared in 2011, This story reveals how Petlog helped him to finally be reunited with his family after 12 years missing.

Finn's story

Susie found after 5 months

After heartbreak for Susie's keepers, they were relieved to find their beloved cat after 5 months. Read more by clicking below.

Susie's story

Tiggi found 6 miles away from home

Tiggi's family uncover what it was like to lose him for two weeks and how keeping their details up to date made them able to be reunited.

Tiggi's story


Microchipping is now a legal requirement for cats in England. If your cat is registered with us check your details are up-to-date today by logging in/creating an online account.


Bruce found after seven months

Find out how Bruce was reunited with his keepers after escaping from his new home.

Bruce's story

Binky found after a year

Binky was missing for over a year before he was found. Click below to read how his microchip helped him be reunited with his keepers.

Binky's story

Pebbles reunited thanks to microchip

Despite a distance of 17 miles, Pebbles returned safely home thanks to her microchip. Click below to read her story.

Pebble's story

Daisy reunited after 18 months

Read more about Daisy's story to find out how she was reunited after 18 months.

Daisy's story

Bentley reunited in four weeks

A cat from Bristol was reunited within a month after his microchip was scanned at vet.

Bentley's story

Mollie reunited in three weeks

A 19-year-old cat was reunited with her after just three weeks. Click below to find out more.

Mollie's story

Luca reunited

Luca was missing for four months before he was reunited with his family. Click below to learn more about Luca's story.

Luca's story

Frazzle reunited

Frazzle had been missing for five years before she was reunited with her keepers. Click below to find out how she was found.

Frazzle's story

Toulouse reunited

Toulouse was missing for a total of 8 months before he was reunited. Find out more about his story by clicking below.

Toulouse's story

Poppie reunited

When Poppie didn't return home at her usual time, her keepers knew something was wrong. Click below to find out why her keepers were so thankful she was microchipped.

Poppie's story

Tasha reunited

When Tasha went missing, her keepers assumed the worst as it was out of character. Fortunately, Tasha made it back home thanks to her microchip. Find out more below.

Tasha's story

Dejzi reunited after being stolen

Dejzi was taken from her keeper's garden in Northampton and was not seen for three years. Click below to find out how she was reunited.

Dejzi's story

Jazz reunited

Jazz was stolen from a secure kennel in her hometown for 8 months in 2022. Read more about her story by clicking below.

Jazz's story

Tiny Cat found

Tiny Cat had been missing for over a year and his keepers were losing all hope. To learn more about Tiny Cat's story, click below.

Tiny Cat's story

Logan reunited

After escaping from his pet sitters house, Logan was unable to be located for over a year. Luckily, his keepers had him microchipped.

Logan's story

Penny Found

Penny was unable to find her way back home after her curiosity got the better of her. Read on below to find out how Penny was reunited with her keepers thanks to her microchip.

Penny's story

Chubbs found 260 miles away from home

Despite a distance of 260 miles, Chubbs was able to be reunited with his keeper in Dorset. Click below to find out more.

Chubbs' Story

Ginny reunited

On the 12 July, Ginny went missing from her keepers home in Gelli. After 12 days Ginny was found and reunited with her keepers. Read more about Ginny story here.

Ginny's story

Smudge reunited with owner after seven years

Smudge was only a tiny kitten when his owners last saw him in 2014. Read more about his reunion below.

Smudge's story

Tommy found after five years of being missing

Tommy was missing for five years before he was found. Read his full story below

Tommy's story

A year later Kitcat found

Kitcat went missing in April 2020. This story uncovers how Petlog helped reunite this beloved pet with his family after so long.

Kitcat's story