Welcome to Petlog Media Centre, which provides journalists with all the latest news and information from the largest database in the UK; supporting the reunification of lost and found microchipped pets.
Recent news
- Missing Scottish cat reunited with owners after two years
- More than 25,000 pets reported missing since 2023
- Lost and found pet database reveals South East is UK's missing cat hotspot
- Missing Cat reunited with owner after 12 years thanks to microchip.
- Compulsory microchipping for cats
- Scottish cat reunited with owner after five years thanks to microchip
- Missing Warrington cat reunited with owner after two years thanks to microchip
- Missing family dog dumped 50 miles from home and reunited with owners after eight month search
- Petlog welcomes plans for Compulsory Cat Microchipping Legislation
- A third more dogs go missing during fireworks season
Microchipping is now a legal requirement for cats in England. If your cat is registered with us check your details are up-to-date today by logging in/creating an online account.