Find some useful tips below on how you can save money during these difficult times without sacrificing the quality of care you give your pet.
Pet food
Pet food can be one of the biggest expenses that comes with owning a pet. However, there are several ways you can cut the cost and save a considerable amount of money over time. Firstly, consider buying your pet food in bulk. This is because you are often entitled to better offers when you buy a larger quantity of food, improving the cost-effectiveness of your purchase.
In addition to buying in bulk, if you always get your pet’s food from the same place then see if you can get it cheaper elsewhere. You may find a better deal than what you are currently paying, which means it’s definitely worth spending the extra time so you can save a little extra.
If you find yourself buying from the same stores or same brands consistently, you may benefit from enrolling yourself on a loyalty scheme. Many pet shops and online sites offer a loyalty scheme that means you could build up a large number of loyalty points over time, allowing you to reap potentially significant discounts on your pet food.
Low maintenance pets
If you’re looking for a pet, but don’t want your financial commitments to rise too significantly, consider researching low maintenance pets. These pets will cost you much less over the course of their lifetime, which means you can still have the enjoyment of owning a pet, without having to sacrifice in other areas of your life.
Shop around for medicines
Should your pet require any medicines, it may be beneficial to do some research into the best prices. For example, you are likely to pay much less for a flea treatment you see online, compared to sourcing it elsewhere. Therefore, it is always better to do some research before opting for the convenient choice.
Pet insurance
Investing in pet insurance is a crucial way to lower the cost of pet care. The premium you pay on a monthly basis can save you from a nasty and expensive surprise if your pet were to fall ill. You should make sure to understand the exact type of cover you are getting before you buy so you know exactly what your pet is covered for.
Buy used toys
Buying brand new toys for your pet is often unnecessary and your pets would be just as happy with a second hand toy. Getting toys from friends or family or even certain second-hand stores can be a huge help with easing the cost of pet care. The savings don’t just stop at toys, you can even buy second-hand beds, crates, cages, collars or fish tanks.
In addition, it may be a good idea to look for high quality toys for your pet rather than opting for the cheaper options. The higher quality ones will be built to last and can save you money with buying replacement toys.