Rehome to a new keeper
This is a free online service to be used when rehoming a pet to a new keeper.
The term keeper has been introduced within the new regulations and relates to the person with whom a dog normally resides. When the pet is rehomed or fostered, the microchip must be updated with the information of the new keeper.
For an assistance dog, it is the organisation responsible for its training and allocation (until its retirement).
For a new born puppy, the keeper is the owner of the bitch which gave birth to it.
Please note: Before updating the pet's microchip to the new keeper, please ensure consent has been obtained.
Rehome to your Organisation
This is a free online service to be used when rehoming a pet to your organisation.
If you have pets yet to find a new home, their microchip details can be recorded to your organisation.
Please note: Only pets currently in your care should be recorded in your name. When the pet is rehomed or fostered, the microchip must be updated with the information of the new keeper.
Steps to Rehome a Pet
To ensure your records are up to date and compliant with new legislation, please follow the steps below:
- Log in to your online account and enter the microchip in the search box provided. This will confirm if it is held with us
- If the microchip is recorded with us follow the steps to complete the transfer to the new keeper